Our Philosophy
At Abundant Change we believe that the process of guiding you through your own health history, including your current health concerns becomes a cathartic and essential ingredient in your optimal health journey. This knowledge then becomes the foundation in your own personal protocol of diet, lifestyle, nutrition and herbal treatments.

Meet Sue
Welcome to the home of Abundant Change… I am a qualified naturopath with a Bachelor of Health Science degree and a passion for health. I believe that we need to engage the body, mind and spirit in order to have ultimate health. To me, the most important thing is to start doing something. Just like everything in my life, I began my health journey at the beginning and slowly adjusted my diet and lifestyle. Just like the degree I achieved or the sport I conquered, it required learning with an investment in time and effort. I realised that I needed health and well-being to enjoy everything else in my life as health is the foundation from which everything evolves. Without it you will be unhappy and miserable.